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Budget - 🟧Heystack


fashion, shoes, budget, replica culture

This is mainly going to be budget stuff like links from taobao/weidian and yupoo. Probably missed a ton obviously but I plan to update this as I find more

Simple Banking Alternatives

finance, investing, bank, apps, review, budget

Massive spreadsheet of 40+ neobanks (and incumbents) comparing their feature sets. Created in light of @Simple shutting down. Check it out!

All The Citizens: COVID-19 public sector contracts

politics, UK, 2020, government, budget, coronavirus, investigative journalism, open data

A list of all the contracts given by the UK governmend during the Covid-19 response

Full-time streaming calculator

streaming, games, finance, budget, Twitch

This sheet is designed as a general guideline for determining your financial situation and if it is viable to stream on Twitch "full time". Informational use only.

Film Budget Spreadsheet

films, budget, template

A template with all the cost items like staff, wardrobe, special affects, etc. Can help you calculate the total needed for your production.