
The 7C Constitution Based on Love and Altruism, Version 4.2, By Rick Loll. Started in 1992, V4.2 Published in 2018. We need a system, with over 500 extreme rights, controlled by the people only, with an altruistic supportive council of harmonious loving guides, and not an authoritarian government of elites and oligarchs.

Our Revolution
7C Constitution
Constitutional Convention
Bernie Sanders
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The 7C Constitution Based on Love and Altruism, Version 4.2, By Rick Loll. Started in 1992, V4.2 Published in 2018. We need a system, with over 500 extreme rights, controlled by the people only, with an altruistic supportive council of harmonious loving guides, and not an authoritarian government of elites and oligarchs.

This version is reference for version 4.3 and later.

Let The People Of Earth Have Their Say,

Let Everyone Be A Leader Everyday,

The People's 7C Council Is Our Way,

Because We Are All Great In Every Way

Changes For Good Will Never Come Through Punishment.

Heaven Will Only Come By Loving Others Through Forgiveness.

Your World Is Now Destroyed Through Personal Retributions.

Your Own Complacency Rewarded You With Tyranny.

Harming And Punishing Others Only Harmed Yourself.

Acting On The Outside Only Destroys You From Within.

But Forgiving From Within, Reflects Your Life From Without.

politics, constitution, Our Revolution, socialism, altruism, 7C Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Bernie Sanders

Tags Politics, Constitution, Our Revolution, Socialism, Altruism, 7C Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Bernie Sanders
Type Google Doc
Published 06/04/2024, 08:52:00


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